The EGS-CC system comprises of the software source code and binaries for a given EGS-CC based system. The EGS-CC is a common software infrastructure to support space systems monitoring and control in pre- and post-launch phases for all mission types.
The EGS-CC is intended to provide main building blocks and reference implementations for Mission Control System (operations) and Electrical Ground Support Equipment Monitoring and Control Systems (spacecraft AIT).
The main system features include:
- Support of all mission types
- Support of all types of space systems
- Support of all mission phases
- Open, component based, service oriented architecture
- Generic and extensible functionality
- High performance and scalability
- Layered implementation
- Clear separation between generic M&C functions (kernel) and specific features of the controlled system (adaptation layer)
- Clear separation between infrastructure (EGS-CC proper) and specific additions (EGS-CC based applications)
- Long term maintainability
- Inter-operability through standardised interfaces
- Support of long term evolution though technology isolation (as far as possible)
EGS-CC aims to provide a common set of building blocks to develop M&C systems, as well as complete implementations of reference applications (MCS and EGSE systems).
It is specified and design in three main layers:
- Kernel, which contains the generic functionality applicable to all applications and missions, for both general purpose, and monitoring and control functions. It is intended to be reused across all EGS-CC based systems for all applications, missions and purposes and cannot be modified.
- Reference implementations, containing application specific functionality, intended to be applied in some but not all EGS-CC based systems. This layer is what adapts EGS-CC software to a given application and mission. The reference implementations may be replaced or adapted for the specific needs of a mission or organisation. The EGS-CC will provide specific reference implementations for a selected category of missions and applications (e.g. PUS spacecraft, SLE ground stations).
- Reference test facilities, providing external functionality needed for testing EGS-CC based systems in isolation. Test facilities are not part of EGS-CC based systems, but implemented for supporting tests.
The functional scope of EGS-CC covers:
- Component framework, runtime platform, communications, and service integration
- Application support
- System configuration, file management, messages, security, and time synchronisation.
- M&C components
- M&C modelling and processing, including parameter monitoring, control activities, verification, and events, supporting live, playback, retrieval and replay modes.
- Data archive
- Automation procedures
- M&C services provision
- M&C adaptation for MCS and EGSE
- CCSDS TM/TC processing
- Modelling of onboard services, PUS standard
- Ground station interface and SLE
- User interfaces:
- User desktop, displays, applications, M&C model browser.
- Off-line tools:
- Preparation tools
- Basic post-processing and reporting tools
- Testing environment to support development